Oman announces visa-free 10-day entry to 103 countries to boost tourism

On the 9th of December 2020, the Government of Oman spoke about tourist facilities in the country. After the decision by the government, the Police of Oman declared that the government would exempt nationals of 103 exempted for ten days, by which these 103 countries won’t get tourist support.

The entry can be possible only under certain circumstances and conditions, which will include:

  •  The reservation of hotel must be booked or reserved before the entrance to the country.
  • The passenger must confirm health insurance.
  • The passenger or tourist must have return tickets.

According to the Fiscal plan for 2020-2024, this move will encourage tourists to visit the country. The visit will boost the economy and tourism sector of Oman. The government is trying not to depend more on the revenues that hydrocarbon companies generate. That could affect the economy by 1.4 billion Omani Riyals. The government of Oman wants to increase the revenues of non-oil reserves. That is why Oman Announces the “No Visa” policy for the citizens of 103 countries.

Countries that have valid six months of a passport can apply. These countries include 71 nationals of other countries.

The countries that can enter Oman without applying for Visa are 5 countries of the gulf cooperation council. People who belong to New Zealand can join and stay for around three months.

The list of countries for which Oman announces no Visa requirement are:

EuropeanAmerican    OthersArab Countries
CroatiaArgentinaLebanon Tunisia
BelgiumEcuadorHong Kong 
Latvia Tajikistan 
Ireland Honduras 
Monaco Mexico 
Cyprus Armenia 
Finland Malaysia 
Iceland Taiwan 
Spain Turkey 
Germany Bhutan 
Moldova Singapore 
Britain Ghana 
Romania Peru 
Czech republic Cuba 
Estonia Laos 
Bulgaria Iran 
Switzerland South Korea 
Greece  Turkmenistan 
Malta South Africa 
Vatican Vietnam, 

Oman Announces No Visa for 104 countries, all citizens can apply in a proper way.


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